

Some, if not all, ethics CEU classes address the questions of "what" and "why."

E.g., "What is ethical in the therapeutic relationship?
Why are ethical behaviors, guidelines, and policies considered to be ethical and by whom?"

In The Embodied Mystic
®, I am teaching you the HOW of therapeutic and personal ethics in a cultural environment that has romanticized, appropriated, and over-simplified mysticism and spirituality.

Forging a conscious relationship with your inner self and embodying your experience of your spirituality is an ethical responsibility for us as therapists and as people interested in our spiritual lives and in the spiritual lives of our clients.*

What you'll be learning throughout The Embodied Mystic are practical, simple, and at the same time profound and effective tools for coming into relationship with your emotional and spiritual self. In becoming relational with your emotional, energetic, and transpersonal dimensions, you will be developing a grounded, emotionally- and spiritually-sober way of being present with your humanness.

The Embodied Mystic is the anti-spiritual bypass CEU course!

Please note that The Embodied Mystic® is registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

You may verbally share with your clients what you learn in The Embodied Mystic. However, I ask for your promise that you will not share the recordings, study guides, or PDFs.

—Luisa Elena Kolker MA LPCC

*NM Board of Counseling and Therapy Practices Rules and Statutes; Code of Ethics Professional Competence, Conduct & Integrity:

D. A licensed or registered individual shall not undertake or continue a professional relationship with a client when the counselor or therapist is impaired due to mental, emotional, physiological, or substance abuse conditions.

American Counseling Association Code of Ethics

Introduction: … “In addition, counselors engage in self-care activities to maintain and promote their own emotional, physical, mental and spiritual well-being to meet their professional responsibilities.”

C.2.g. Impairment: Counselors monitor themselves for signs of impairment from their own physical, mental, or emotional problems and refrain from offering or providing professional services when impaired.

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What is


Embodied Mystic?

The Embodied Mystic is a 6-module, self-guided course you may experience at your own pace.

Developed over decades by shamanic-psychotherapist Luisa Elena Kolker, each module includes:

• Engaging, easy-to-watch teaching videos

• Downloadable audio recordings and handouts

• Journaling prompts,

• Shamanic journey intentions

• Practices out in nature

• Altar recommendations to enhance your
Embodied Mystic experience

You'll learn practical shamanic-psychotherapy self-interventions you can use NOW to feel safer in your body. 

LESSON 1: Your Potent Energy Point

This energetic point in the front midline of your body is an essential portal for relieving stress in the moment, and also for accessing and healing old trauma.

LESSON 2: The Grounding & Merging Process

This guided journey through your physical and energetic dimensions is foundational to Luisa's teachings. This is how embodiment begins: by coming into relationship with your experience of being in your body.

LESSON 3: Your Fully Blossomed Self

This is the bridge between your personal psyche and Source. Your Fully Blossomed Self is your oldest friend, closest companion, and greatest ally. This lesson is particularly helpful if you experience chronic loneliness or anxiety.

LESSON 4: The Three Compassionate Statements

This gentle self-intervention begins at the Potent Energy Point (P.E.P.) you learned about in Lesson One. Luisa teaches you a powerful self-intervention you can do right now to reduce emotional and central nervous system overwhelm.

LESSON 5: Widening the Riverbed 

Learn how to expand your sense of inner space when emotional and energetic intensity are running high. Learn how to flow and not get flooded so you may access your full measure of aliveness.

LESSON 6: How to Identify & Release Carried (Toxic) Shame

This is a powerful teaching that will help you delineate between your own healthy shame and shame that's been deposited onto you by another person or social system.

The Embodied Mystic is for:

shamanic practitioners
spiritual seekers
intuitive healers
energy workers
body workers

...who are in need of practical, effective tools for balancing their mystical, intuitive abilities with emotional skills and embodied rootedness.

NOTE: The Embodied Mystic is especially helpful for those in recovery from harmful or pathological relationships.


Luisa is a licensed psychotherapist, Relational Mysticism© teacher and poet based in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.

Born of Mexican and Russian-Jewish descent, her maternal grandmother was Dra. Concepción Palacios, the first female physician in Central America. Her great-grandmother Báltazara Herrera was the curandera in her village of El Sauce, Nicaragua.

Luisa is known for her engaging, grounded, and articulate teaching style. She is also well regarded for her culturally respectful, ethical, grounded approach to mysticism, psychotherapy, and spirituality.

Luisa is the author of the award-winning poetry book The Tearing Apart.

"Through my own personal experience and working with clients for over thirty years, I've come to recognize that intuitive, mystically-inclined individuals have a vulnerability to un-boundaried empathy and trauma bonding.

I developed The Embodied Mystic to help you tether your spiritual nature to your human, earth-connected self, so you feel safe in your body, skillful in your relationship with yourself and others, and connected with yourself on the deepest levels."

Luisa Elena Kolker, MA LPCC


• FREE access to my popular Introduction to the Shamanic Journey audio course (A $79 value)

• Downloadable mp3 recordings of shamanic drumming tracks and The Grounding & Merging Process (and more...)

• PDFS of quick-reference “Come to Your Own Assistance” handouts with shamanic-somatic tools for tough moments (keep these in your journal or tape them to your refrigerator!)

• Free, printable Study Guide summary with all 6 Lesson Study Guides including Shamanic Journey Intentions, Altar Suggestions, and Practices out in Nature

Past and present registered students of The Embodied Mystic are eligible to join Luisa's Embodied Mystic 75-minute group coaching calls for an additional sliding-scale fee. (You'll receive an email about this.)


“I am so deeply grateful for Luisa and the Embodied Mystic framework that she has created. Her work is impeccable, very accessible, and it helps you remember your true self again. During the six weeks I learned so much and healed deeply. If you are ready to connect with yourself, nature, and spirit on a deeper level, then I recommend you take this program.”

Shakaya M.

"The Embodied Mystic has been a great comfort and catalyst in my life. Luisa offers simple yet profound skills, solid structure, and a safe, loving container for coming into deeper relationship with one's self. I now feel more connected to the resources within me, more able to embrace and release the layers of trauma I am holding, more myself. Luisa shares her incredible wisdom and experience from a relatable, grounded, and compassionate place. I highly recommend this program to anyone who is seeking to experience a deeper truth of who they are, not as a concept, but in practice."

Matthew Peterson

“As a queer Latinx energy practitioner, I found the teachings and tools of The Embodied Mystic to be useful and healing. They opened the door for exploring carried shame due to my immigrant experience.”

Dayna Velasco, PTP

"The teachings Luisa shares in The Embodied Mystic Course are a revelation. Despite many years of study and self-reflection, I had never encountered the perspectives she offered on the dance of being human. In the six potent lessons of the class, I experienced epiphany after epiphany as I applied the fresh and unexpected wisdom to reframe the way I look at the story of my life. I learned tactics to deal with stress, overwhelm, and toxic shame; reclaimed abandoned parts of myself; gained an expanded understanding of being in my body; felt a renewed grounding in nature and mother earth; connected with allies in the mineral, plant and animal world. I discovered hidden inner powers. You’ve probably noticed that this is a stunning list. Here’s the astonishing thing—this only hints at the profound transformative power of this class. Luisa is a gifted teacher. Her depth, honesty, tenderness, and playful humor make even the most challenging topics safe to explore. I highly recommend you take the journey with her to discover the mysterious and magical inner universe we all have waiting inside us!"

Annie Lewis

“I experienced The Embodied Mystic course as a doorway to the embodiment of one’s sacred or highest self. On the front side of the door is a mirror. The mirror offers journeying as a tool to dive deeper into introspective reflection where awareness provides an opportunity to examine, dissolve and release old, stuck, negative, emotional imprints that keep the door jammed. On the other side of the door lies the pathway to healing. Thank you, Luisa, so grateful for the shared wisdom of The Embodied Mystic.”

Onde Chymes
Creator, Designer

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A Note From Luisa Elena Kolker About the CEU Version of this Course:

Hello New Mexico Mental Health Professional Colleagues,

The Embodied Mystic is my signature shamanic-psychotherapy course.

I designed it to help my clients and other therapists become more emotionally and energetically intimate and comfortable with the many dimensions of their unconscious.

Each of the six lessons builds on the previous lesson and includes self-interventions that can help you (and your clients) to effectively self-regulate both situational and long-standing patterns of anxiety, loneliness, and other after-effects of personal and cultural/systemic emotional injury.

Once you've taken the course, you are welcome to share these techniques verbally with your clients.

The Embodied Mystic contains numerous downloadable recordings and study guides.

These downloadable resources are for your use only. If you have clients for whom the course would be helpful, please share this link with them:

I've created this CEU version so you can earn continuing education credits in addition to receiving the other benefits of these teachings.

You'll see that the twelve credits you'll earn reflect the length of the audio and video recordings in addition to the journaling prompts, practices out in nature, altar-building, etc.

To engage with The Embodied Mystic as a daily transformational spiritual practice, I recommend going through the entire study guide that accompanies each of the six lessons.

These lessons, if practiced on a regular basis, can provide you with a preliminary understanding of the intersection of conventional psychotherapy principles and an engaged relationship with the more subtle and even wondrous qualities of your beautiful humanness.

In Love & Transformation,

Luisa Elena Kolker MA LPCC

Learn more about Luisa's shamanic-psychotherapy work at

The Embodied Mystic® is a registered trademark with the United States Patent & Trademark Office. Class 41. Reg. No. 6,549,419